
on. They are not noted for generosity so they may well increase the bras more than $1 per bra. They haven't notified us yet, but I would say that after our present dozen or so of each size is gone, the price will go to at least $7.50 per bra and insert set.

4. DISCONTINUANCE: To complicate matters further, the Glydon Co., which has made our Pretti Panties, has informed me that they have discontinued all styles having that handy little open slit front. If I can find another supplier I will do so, but that is not too likely as Glydons seemed to be the only one making that style. So for now our Pretti Pant- ies have been discontinued.

5. CLIPSHEET: Unhappily I must report that after the publication of No. 39 sometime in the next month to six weeks, I will have to discon- tinue the clipsheet also. The interest in it has waned so that in our strained circumstances it is not feasible to continue it. Those who have paid in advance for issues beyond No. 39 will receive a credit slip for the amount they have paid (or cash if they prefer and request it). The slip detailing the credit will go out with No. 39.

6. MORE PROBLEMS: This column seems to be nothing but problems this time, but they are there and have to be dealt with so I report them to you. No. 79 was the last issue put together by the typographer who had done it for several years. He went out of business. I had to find another one. I did, and they have done Nos. 80 and 81 and this one. But now they tell me that they have so much business that they won't be able to handle TVia in the future. So I have to search again. Prices of everything having advanced it is quite probable that I won't be able to find an outfit who could and would do the job at the prices I have been paying. If this is true TVia may be faced with a price increase too. This would have come about sooner or later anyway, as paper continues to go up every couple of months. I had the foresight to buy a year's supply (six issues) a long time ago, but when that is gone in a couple more issues we will have to replace it with paper that has advanced considerably so it is likely that TVia will have to go to $5.50 or even $6. This provides an inducement for you to put in an annual subscription for $30 now because if I have to increase the price, orders already in the house and paid for will be taken care of at the price in effect when the order was received.

7. NEW STORIES: I haven't forgotten those of you who paid in advance for new stories, but I can't print them till I'm over the present financial hump. I always need good long stories for separate printing, so you au- thors please send them in. Also histories, true experiences, and articles for TVia are always in short supply. Bye now.